• Category:   FUNGICIDE
  • Packaging Type:  
    Box / Pouch 25 Gm, 50 Gm, 100 Gm, 250 Gm, 500 Gm, 1 Kg
  • Technical:   METALAXYL 8% + MANCOZEB 64% WP
  • Target:   Downy Mildew, White Rust, Late Blight, Damping Off
  • How It Works:   Dosage: 600 Gm/Acre. Mancozeb Fungicide with protective action.Nonspecific thiol reactant.Inhibits respiration.Metalaxyl Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.Absorbed through the leaves, stem and shoot.Inhibits protein synthesis in fungi by interfering with the synthesis of ribosomal RNA.

Benefits of the product

  • Easily soluble in water.
  • Environmentally friendly product.
  • Increases crop yield and maintains the greenness of the tree.
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