• Category:   INSECTICIDE
  • Packaging Type:  
    Pouch 100 Gm, 250 Gm, 500 Gm,1 Kg
  • Technical:   THIODICARB 75% WP
  • How It Works:   Dosage: 250-300 Gm/Acre. Primarily acts as an ingestion toxicant with some complimentary contact action and acts by inhibiting cholinesterase enzyme. Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Classification No.1 A.

Benefits of the product

  • Kevin exhibits combined ovicidal, larvicidal, adulticidal, and residual activity through contact and stomach action.
  • The insecticidal properties are not adversely affected by high temperatures or light.
  • It's residual activity provides control until new growth by the crop, excessive rainfall, or intense and continuous insect pest pressure.
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