• Category:   INSECTICIDE
  • Packaging Type:  
    Bottle 100 Ml, 250Ml, 500Ml, 1000Ml
  • Technical:   CYPERMETHRIN 10%EC
  • Target:   Shoot And Fruit Borer, American Bollworm, Pink Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm, Bihar Hairy Caterpillar, Shoot Fly
  • How It Works:   Dosage: 220-300 Ml/Acre. Synthetic pyrethroid, rapidly acting neurotoxin with residual activity.Cypermethrin crosses the bloodbrain barrier and induces neurotoxicity and motor deficits.Cypermethrin prolongs the opening of sodium channel, a major site of its action, leading to hyperexcitation of the central nervous system.

Benefits of the product

  • Control key pests in horticulture crops.
  • Has diverse range of uses and protects for long periods.
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